The United Workers Party Falls Apart


Take your time and read. You must enjoy it

Since the burning of Roseau on February 7  2017,  the UWP has become so unpopular that people don't even bother coming out to listen to them far less to join their protests.

With every passing day their lot is shrinking. Last year they lost one of their best MP - Joseph Isaac who is now a minister in Prime Minister Skerrit cabinet.

Joshua Franics, another UWP MP is now damaged goods since being arrested for sexual misconduct with a 15 year-old girl.

To make matters worse for him his wife has filed for divorce after he threatened her with a cutlass, damaged her household ornaments, set fire to her clothes and scattered the rest on the streets.

Look now Dr Tomson Fontaine who the UWP was counting on to be its finance minister has resigned from the party. He said instead of going forward the party is moving backward.

Isaac Baptiste the candidate for Castle Bruce, since collecting a check of $35,000.00 grant  from government to repair his house, has decided to hang his boots and is no longer running for the party.

Even the reporter Carlise JohnBaptiste who once carried the UWP press badge is now working for DBS Radio.

With elections not far away the UWP now finds  its self in a canoe without a padle and is drifting aimlessly towards no man's land.

Lennox Linton tried sending a tow line to the Feedom party flagship the MV Mammo but the captain sailed away quickly just to be out of reach.

Now Linton is blaming Prime Mimister Skerrit for the UWP calamity. He said PM Skerrit is taking his men away from him one by one to prevent him from becoming prime minister.

 A request by the UWP to merge with the Freedom party for the next election fell on deaf ears. Freedom said they will go at it alone and don't need no damaged or unneccessary baggage.

Even a blind man can see that things are falling apart for the UWP. Soon we will be singing sankey for them.


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