UWP Amazing Track Record

UWP talking about track record. 

Allow me to remind Dominicans of the Track Record of the UWP in less than Five (5) Years in Government.

1) The Termination of 69 Teachers upon taking up Office.

2) Had Dominica Blacklisted by Canada causing the Canadian Government to revoke visa free entry of Dominicans into Canada.

3) They manipulated and rearranged the electoral boundaries of various constituencies in order to gain advantage where they felt they had fewer supporters.  This was their version of the electoral reform they now cry about.

4) The UWP had millions of dollars in Social Security Pensions and Civil Servants Salaries back logged as they was unable to pay, due to the fact that they was dipping their greedy hands in the Country's Honey Pots.

5) They claimed a foreign owned company was contracted to build the Wotten Waven to Trafalgar link road without any local contractors involved.
  • The so called foreign company sub contracted Public Works to assist in the Projects.
  • The cheque presented to Public Works subsequently became a bounced cheque upon attempt to cash.

6) An Official of the UWP Government used his influence and had a very large sum of money set aside at the Aid Bank, money which was supposed to be used to aid aspiring small business owners and existing small business owners.
  • Aspiring and existing small business owners were not able to receive any assistance as this UWP Official stole this money for their own personal gain.

7) Months upon months various groups of civil servants were victimized and not paid their salaries.
Dominica was brought to its hands and knees in dept.
  • Need I say more? Mr. Linton don't get me started. 
  • I maybe young, but I am very much keen to all the ills and wickedness which was carried out by the United Worthless Party in less than five (5) years in Government.

God forbid had you all been in Government for eighteen (18) years, we would be far worst than Haiti and Somalia and without a shadow of a doubt we would have had one of the world's highest suicide rates.

Dominicans PAY ATTENTION. 
If all what I have mentioned above are not evidence of CORRUPTION, then I don't know what is!


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