Breaking Blue News

At a hastily organised UWP meeting of a few nervous and very worried followers in Roseau South at a Wall House residence held earlier this month key decisions were taken.

A major cause of concern was the return of  many many scores of enthusiastic Labourites  back to their party.

They are also equally worried about the massive flight of traditional blue supporters towards the Dominica Labour Party.

They lamenting the lack of impact of their candidate who seems largely impact less.

There were emotional calls for  greater visibility of the party. It was hereby recommended to use the human resource of the Party in Roseau South to create some presence as they conclude that they are loosing serious ground and they stand a very good chance of loosing the seat to Mrs Chekira and the DLP if something drastic isn't done.

Herein lies the basis for the Medical Fair on Catholic church grounds. The political wing of the Dominica Nurses Association , a gonged individual, and other political operatives in church leadership, plus the chicken senator, choir queen were at the said meeting.

They also released data from an internal poll conducted by their deceptive pollstar which didn't go down well with those present. There was also those who questioned the capacity and interest of the current MP.

 Some hinted that the MP looks defeated, tired and disorganized.


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