Mad Man Takes on the Church

Can you imagine? after the church grounds where used as a political mass camp, the Parl Rep had the audacity to state to DNO, that he held his ground.
This was not a fight, Uncle you cannot abuse the generosity of the church by painting the place blue with cloth, Alvin and John Lewis trusted you.

Only a man with a few loose screws would make such a comment, after you where asked to remove the political material, instead of asking you to get the hell out.  Shame on you. 

The Mad man stated "However, despite the success, the group encountered some challenges along the way as attempts were made to prevent them from using the church grounds.
“Certain supporters of the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) tried to stop us by complaining to the Bishop of Roseau but we stood our ground and we were then allowed to use the church grounds,” Francis stated.
He continued, “The church grounds belongs to the people of Newtown and Dominica and this thing that people are fearful of letting members of the opposition use public space should stop. The church should be an example…and while the church should not be in politics, the church must stand for what is right.”


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