The Dominica Labour Party

Dominica Labour Party was founded in 1955 by Phyllis Shand Allfrey and Emmanuel Christopher Loblack. To date, it remains the oldest and most successful Social Democratic Party in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

This party continues to advance the social and economic make up of our island and According to the IMF, growth in Dominica picked up around 2004, the year Prime Minister, Dr. Roosevelt Skerrit assumed Prime Ministership.

During the Great Recession, Dominica managed to stay afloat because of the phenomenal tactics of the DLP administration.

We have a track record in implementing social protection and economic programs to include the Housing Revolution, Yes We Care, School Bus, Water Supply Project, the National Employment, Scholarship and the Elderly Stipend Program that many of our grand and great grandparents enjoy.

The government’s quest to build 5000 new homes across the island does not leave Roseau North out of the equation. Soon, there will be 32 climate resilient homes erected on the hilltop community of Bellevue Rawle. We have previously benefited greatly from the housing revolution, housing assistance and squatter regularization programs, and we have seen great infrastructural development to include two major link road and rehabilitation projects. When we look back to september 2017 we can say "God was Good" to us, and he still is. We have a leader that stands beside us, walks with us, smile with us, cry with us. And when the country cries, one can tell and see how he  hurts on the  inside. But again. God is Good, look at us now 1 year and months after. Strategies were put in place to allow for the rebuilding for our Dominica.  So i urge u to support the best party of choice...reliable, caring and competent government. The DLP.


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