Dominica Scum Removed from OAS Premises

The behaviour of Gabriel Christian & his goons at OAS HQ is pathetically pathetic and provokes commentary.

Gabriel Christian. Not much is known of Gabriel prior to emigrating except for an incident when a young girl tumbled from his parents veranda and taken unconscious to PMH.

While his academic achievements may be commendable and worthy of note, there is a Gabriel who, not unlike other professionals in the diaspora, crave recognition and adulation at home. Therein lies the problem. Literally, Gabriel would like "greatness thrust upon him". Gabriel embodies the proverbial Dr Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.

We applaud his early involvement with the Cadet Corps movement. There is however the other Gabriel the public does not know. He helped establish the DASS to ostensibly promote and aid DA, but closed his eyes when Thompson Fontaine & Clayton Shillingford plundered it: Promoted a Dominica for all but sought exclusive rights (along with a group of white men) to the geothermal industry, also seeking Govt to provide the financial guarantees: Dominica for all, yet again sought exclusive rights (along with a group of white men) to the CBI programme in the same way as Henley & Partners: sought and obtained incentives for the setting up of a chocolate candy operation; got chocolates out of Trindad and labelled the "made in DA". This is just the tip of the iceberg. Gabriel for Dominica ? No way !  Gabriel for Gabriel.

He is best known for his attempts to build friendships with people in positions of authority - from  Eugenia to Edison to Rosie to Pierre to Skerritt. He is known to have sought out Eugenia (already in the throes of Alzheimer's disease), wined & dined her while questioning & secretly recording her responses. Following her passing, he published her responses in one of his publications to enrich himself.

He begged an invitation of PM Skerritt to visit Cuba as part of the DA entourage. He was invited. Disregarding all the norms of protocol, to the consternation if Cuban & DA officials,  he rushed ahead and embraced President Fidel Castro. Ask Crispin Gregoire. He was present.

It is alleged that there has been a significant decline in his legal practice and desperation has set in. A win for the UWP would provide an new avenue for a cushy life.

Yesterday's political, theatrical production by a tiny group if ill-mannered, ill-bred, desperate, uninformed, rabbling, self-aggrandizers, attention seekers is  another reason why the UWP will again rejected at the polls. A change in leadership to Irving Pascal, Valda Henry, Chegon  James or any other UWP operative will not take root and will annihilate them politically.

The clandestine plan by the Union to withdraw air traffic controllers, meteorology, fire service, customs & immigration personnel at Douglas-Charles to disallow people in the diaspora to exercise their constitutional right has been unmasked and WILL be dealt with.

In the words of the late US Congressman, Elijah Cummings - "WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT".


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