Lennox Linton, a failed experiment and lost cause
Lennox Linton, a failed experiment and lost cause
I have for the last few years described Lennox Linton as a failure and threat to our democracy. I have referred to his pathological lying especially on alleged corruption including alleged sales of diplomatic passports, his destructive insults of working people of color, calling young women prostitutes, the findings of the High Court that Linton was on the two occasions before the Court reckless with the truth despite his oath on the Bible, and his blatant hypocrisy on corruption.
This manifest hypocrisy has roots in the 2005 grab for 3 million dollars and was exposed again by Al Jazeera in 2019. It was further exposed by Linton’s dodge in the Parliament of the Prime Minister’s simple question on the two signed memoranda identified by Al Jazeera as part of its investigation into the sale of diplomatic passports. (
I have also referred to his pathetic refusal to provide a credible plan or assistance for his constituents. In my view, this history ought to have buried any politician. But not Linton and not the UWP. Why? The UWP’s history of violence and stench of corruption between 1995 and 1999, 2005, 2009 or 2019 appear attractive to those who continue to support them blindly.
There is more. Linton is the Leader of the Opposition. The Constitution has placed him in charge of the Public Accounts Committee. However, Linton has steadfastly refused to convene meetings of the Public Accounts Committee. Instead, he dances to his own fictitious stories on Q95 with Matt Peltier and others. This is because Linton’s safety and sanitization come with being with yes-men. More troubling though are his performances at Budget Addresses. On the last occasion, he concocted a significant 1.2 billion con job on the people of this land with his calculator. Confronted for evidence at a subsequent press conference, he retorted “it’s my opinion”. No facts. A similar response came from his Counsel when asked by the Judge, “ where is the evidence of rape?’ Counsel’s response was “ It’s in Mr. Linton’s brain.”
Linton now obsesses over the Prime Minister’s residence. He sought to address this today during his address to the Budget. This provoked the MP for Cottage in a short time to rise and indicate to the Speaker that Linton was misleading the public. No breaking news here.
This 20120/2021 Budget Address ought to be the last straw towards Linton’s universal condemnation as a lost cause. His performance was painful to watch. It had the ramblings and incoherence of a drunk attempting to recite Shakespeare. There was no reference to Marigot, nothing on what his Party wishes or intends for the people represented by it. The core of his contribution was his obsession with articulating his own fantasies of corruption and fake news. No facts, just the recycling of “delusional” constructs, no doubt the off-springs of his own intellectual limitations. This was a Budget Debate on moving the country forward in the midst of the hardships caused by COVID19, and all we heard was the same or revised stories which Linton has practiced at home, and disseminated on Q95 and Facebook, over the last 5 or more years.
This conduct on the part of Linton poses a severe threat to the governance of this country. Linton is a lost cause. The country needs more. It needs the Leader of the Opposition to be competent and honest, no one who lives and thrives in anger and videotapes, and condones, whether expressly or by silence random acts of violence. The culture of violence, trickery, and buffoonery has failed. Edison James’s experiment with Linton as a money go-getter has died an embarrassing
and painful death. Their cause is now lost.
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