What is the objective of the program?
The program will provide temporary income support to eligible vulnerable individuals and families who have experienced a loss or reduction of income and consumption due to the negative impacts of COVID-19 quarantines, curfews, and shutdowns. The program is designed to help address basic needs including food, health, education, and other necessities.
Which are the groups supported by this program?
Groups prioritized under this intervention are:
Existing beneficiaries of the Public Assistance Programme (PAP)
Eligible senior citizens (between the age of 60 and 69) and persons with disabilities who are not registered on the PAP and are not receiving other types of financial support
Other vulnerable groups as approved by the government of the Commonwealth of Dominica including eligible fisherfolks and/or fish vendors and small craft vendors and/or producers
What are the criteria to apply?
PAP beneficiaries (group 1) DO NOT need to apply and will be automatically included in the program. They will receive two top-ups of XCD 225 for a period of two months for a total value of XCD 450. The top-ups will be given on the same day and through the same payment channels of the regular delivery of PAP benefits (e.g. bank transfers, cheques, or cash).
All other groups (groups 2-3) described above must meet one or more of the following qualifying conditions:
• Be ineligible to receive assistance under other COVID-19 response programs including the Employee and Small Business Programme, the Self-Employed Individual Grant Assistance, the Agriculture Crop, and Livestock Support, and the Direct Farm Support Cash Grant
• Not be receiving financial support through other social assistance programs
Priority will be given to applicants who, in addition to the conditions above, meet other eligibility criteria including the number of dependents and family composition, the total family income, and other vulnerabilities (e.g. gender, social status, disability, and age).
How do I apply?
There are three ways in which applicants can apply: on-site registration, on the phone or through an online application form. These are explained below:
On-site registration
The application process runs Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00, from the 14th to the 25th of September (inclusive). To register, applicants are required to visit their nearest registration facility as per the schedule below (Communities without village councils can travel to the nearest communities or to Roseau to complete applications):
Atkinson | Atkinson Village Council | September 14th, 2020 |
Bagatelle / Fond St. Jean / Pointe Caribe | Bagatelle / Fond St. Jean / Pointe Caribe Village Council | September 22nd, 2020 |
Bellevue Chopin | Bellevue Chopin Resource Center | September 22nd, 2020 |
Bense / Anse De Mai / Anse Soldat | Adult Education - Resource Center | September 17th, 2020 |
Boetica | Boetica Sewing House | September 23rd, 2020 |
Calibishie | Calibishe Resource Center | September 21st, 2020 |
Campbell / Despor | Campbell Council Office | September 24th, 2020 |
Canefield Urban Council | Canefield Urban Council | September 24th, 2020 |
Castle Bruce | Ground Floor of Apartment Building | September 15th, 2020 |
Clifton / Capuchin / Cocoyer | Clifton / Capuchin / Cocoyer Village Council | September 17th, 2020 |
Colihaut | Colihaut Council Office | September 24th, 2020 |
Coulibistrie / Morne Rachette | Coulibistrie / Morne Rachette Council Office | September 25th, 2020 |
Delices / Carib / La Roche / Victoria | Delices Pentecostal Church Hall | September 23rd, 2020 |
Dublanc / Bioche | Dublanc / Bioche Council Office | September 25th, 2020 |
Giraudel / Eggleston | Giraudel/ Eggleston Village Council | September 14th, 2020 |
Good Hope | Good Hope Village Council | September 15th, 2020 |
Grand Bay | Grand Bay Village Council | September 22nd, 2020 |
Grand Fond | Grand Fond Resource Center | September 23rd, 2020 |
Kalinago Territory (Sineku) | The Christian Union Church, Sineku (4) | September 14th, 2020 |
Kalinago Territory (St. Cyr) | Kalinago Council | September 14th - 15th, 2020 |
La Plaine / La Ronde | TBC | September 24th, 2020 |
Loubiere / Madrelle / Fond Baron | Loubiere / Madrelle / Fond Baron Village Council | September 15th, 2020 |
Marigot - | Marigot Fisheries Complex | September 21st - 22nd, 2020 |
Morne Jaune / Riviere Cyrique | Morne Jaune / Riviere Cyrique Pentecostal Church | September 24th, 2020 |
Morne Prosper | TBC | September 16th, 2020 |
Paix Bouche / Belle Maniere | Paix Bouche Resource Center | September 17th, 2020 |
Penville | Penville Village Council Office | September 17th, 2020 |
Petite Savanne | Bellevue Chopin Resource Center | September 22nd, 2020 |
Petite Soufriere/San Sauveur | Petite Soufriere/San Sauveur Village Council | September 15th, 2020 |
Pichelin | Pichelin Village Council | September 23rd, 2020 |
Pointe Michel | Point Mitchel Community Centre | September 14th, 2020 |
Portsmouth | Adult Education Office - Habour Lane | September 18th & 21st, 2020 |
Roseau City Council | Roseau City Council - Windsor Park Stadium | September 16th - 17th, 2020 |
Soufriere / Scotts Head / Gallion | Soufriere Village Council | September 16th, 2020 |
St. Joseph - Layour Emergency Shelter | St. Joseph - Layour Emergency Shelter | September 25th, 2020 |
Tan Tan / Toucarie / Cottage | Tan Tan / Toucarie / Cottage Village Council | September 18th, 2020 |
Tete Morne | Tete Morne Village Council | September 23rd, 2020 |
Thibaud | Thibaud Village Council | September 18th, 2020 |
Trafalgar / Shawford / Fond Canie | TBC | September 16th, 2020 |
Vieille Case | Vieille Case Village Council | September 18th, 2020 |
Wesley | Wesley Resource Center | September 21st, 2020 |
Woodford Hill | Woodford Hill Village Council | September 21st, 2020 |
Upon arrival, applicants will be interviewed by an enumerator who will collect their information on a mobile phone or tablet. The interview will last approximately 20 minutes. Only one individual can apply on behalf of her/his family. Individuals can apply at any registration point, so if you miss the day of registration at your local council or constituency you can go to another location. You can only apply once.
At the registration, applicants will need to present a form of identification, if available, such as a passport, fisherman’s ID, social security card, birth certificate, driving license or other. Applicants will also need to provide the contact information of an official who can verify their application (full name, telephone number and her/his email address). Recommended officials are:
- Village council personnel (Chairman / Clerk)
- Justice of the Peace
- Social Welfare Officer
- School Teacher or Principle
- Pastor
- Nurse
During the registration process COVID-19 social distancing measures will be adhered to. Applicants will need to wear their facemask at all times and have their hands sanitised. While we will try to expedite the registration process as much as possible, it is recommended that applicants bring at least a snack and drinking water. In order to avoid large crowds gathering at the registration points, you are encouraged to come back at a later time if the registration lines are too long, to visit another council/constituency registration point or to use other registration methods described below (phone and online).
Phone registration
Applicants can call our hotline numbers and speak to an operator who will collect their information on the phone: Tel. 616 3473, Tel. 613 7325, Tel. 612 8420, Tel. 612 8446. Phone lines are open Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00, from the 14th to the 25th of September (inclusive). Applicants will need to provide details of a form of identification, if available. They will also need to provide the contact information of an official who can verify their application (full name, a telephone number and her/his email address). Recommended officials are:
- Village council personnel (Chairman / Clerk)
- Justice of the Peace
- Social Welfare Officer
- School Teacher or Principle
- Pastor
- Nurse
Online registration
Applicants can also register online at the following link: https://ee.humanitarianresponse.info/x/8JZhYrOd . The process and requirements of verification are the same as the other forms of registration (on-site and phone). In the online registration form you will be required to upload a picture of your identification document, if available, and to provide the contact information of an official who can verify your application (full name, a telephone number and her/his email address). Recommended officials are:
- Village council personnel (Chairman / Clerk)
- Justice of the Peace
- Social Welfare Officer
- School Teacher or Principle
- Pastor
- Nurse
Once the registration process is completed, applicants will be scored according to the eligibility criteria and vulnerabilities described previously. The most vulnerable individuals and families identified through this process will be first verified through their nominated official. This could take up to 1-2 weeks. If the verification process is successful, selected beneficiaries will be informed and included into the programme. Non selected beneficiaries will also be notified of the results of the selection process.
Assistance will be provided in the form of cash transfers for a two-month period, with benefits totalling approximately XCD 450 per month. Benefits will be disbursed based on the payment method selected by the beneficiaries at the time of registration. Selected beneficiaries can nominate an alternate person to redeem the benefits on their behalf.
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