Our Dominican Quarantine Facility


As I watch this video that is making rounds where this visiting Dominican is up in arms about what she explains to be horrible and inhumane conditions at the Government Quarantine facility in Portsmouth, I can't help to wonder what would motivate someone to be so malicious and unfair.
I returned to Dominica on Journee kweyol and after a smooth process in customs and through the Covid protocols, I entered the assigned bus for my trip to Portsmouth.

The subject in the video and her daughter were on board. This is where complaints, bashing, and negativity started.

The intention of my post is not to focus on them although we shared the same quarantine facility (Portsmouth Beach Hotel) and I experienced firsthand their level of nasty behaviors and bad attitude. 

Upon arrival at the quarantine facility, we were greeted and assigned rooms. What I will say at this point is, even at 5-star hotels things are not always done to or meet the expectations of guests. Portsmouth Beach Hotel is not a 5-star hotel but I made myself comfortable knowing that 1. my stay there was for a short time and 2. I had 53 other options from the list of covid-19 certified accommodations which included Fort Young Hotel. Yes, travelers to Dominica can choose from 54 Covid-19 certified accommodations so going to a Government operated a facility is an OPTION!

I had the choice of ordering my meals at the facility, have family and friends deliver from outside, or prepare them myself from the food items my family dropped off the day after I arrived. I opted for a combination of all three during the 6 days. The meals provided by the facility had to be ordered in advance and were delivered during a reasonable time. 

Rules must be in place and these rules need to be followed. Quarantine ensures the safety of everyone. Dominica has been able to handle the covid-19 with a high success rate because of Vigilance and acting on time. We shouldn't allow a few ill-mannered people to send false narrative while the rest of us sit idly.


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