Linton will Resign


Take your time and read it. The bible said that whosoever diggeth a pit shall fall it. So, Lennox Linton has fallen into the same pit he thought he dug for Skerrit. 

No one must be surprised to hear Lennox Linton announcing his resignation as leader of the UWP anytime from now. That information was leaked by a source close to Lennox Linton.

It is true that the political fall-out from recent events involving Lennox Linton has left many in the UWP camp highly disappointed and therefore want Lennox Linton fired as leader. 

Soon after the 18/3 humiliating defeat in the last general elections held on December 6, 2019, we saw UWP supporters abandoning ship and calling for Linton to go.
Their main propagandists - Marlon Giraudel, Trevor Johnson and Shirley Allan were the first to abandon ship. They were pissed-off because of Linton’s involvement in the $400,000.00 diplomatic passport corruption scandal.

Then we saw in October 2020 the High Court judge throwing out all eleven petitions the UWP filed in court to contest the 2019 elections results. The judge also fined them $5000.00 to be paid to the Labour party.
Also, we saw a rare public apology from Lennox Linton to Gregor Nassief. With that apology it was obvious that the UWP brass had enough of Linton’s loose tongue and wasn’t ready to have the party weighed down under yet another lawsuit.

Two weeks ago, during the court hearing to decide on the treating case, everyone was shocked to hear the UWP amour-bearer and the star of the case – Mervin Jnobaptise telling the court that he no longer has anything to do with the case.

To add salt to the injury, just last week the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal again threw out all 11 election petitions filed against the government. The court also fined the UWP $25,000 to be paid to the Labour party for wasting court and government ministers’ time.

Also, a UWP protest planned weeks ago to commemorate the May 29, 1979 uprising was abruptly cancelled. UWP political activist Loftus Durand made the announcement on his Q95 Radio talk show yesterday May 25, 2021.

After announcing that the protest was cancelled, Loftus theme song was “We need a new DJ in the house” In disguise he was calling for Lennox to step aside. He played that song over and over.

With the party being broke and more and more debt piling on it like load on the back of a donkey, supporters and all are saying enough is enough. Some are calling publicly on face book for Linton to resign.

Others are saying to hell with radiothon. They said that they are tired with donating money that seems to be disappearing in a bottomless pit. Some are even asking for refunds.
With the unease being experienced as the date for treating case draws closer, the party faithful are in a quandary and pressure is mounting on Lennox Linton to step aside to prepare for a rebirth of the party.

After 5 elections defeats and still no sign of progress in terms of the UWP rising from the ashes, even UWP die-hards are now realizing that they are being led on a road to nowhere so they are calling for change of leadership.
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