Dominica -China friendship hospital BILL
Today I was fixin’ to slice some grafted mangoes, Instead, I found myself at the ER in DA after slicing two fingers.
Anyway, I didn’t need stitches and got my cuts cleaned and bandaged. But I want to point out that I had a pleasant experience at the new Dominica -China friendship hospital (so it’s no longer PMH?). The wait was short, and the administrative and medical staff were kind and professional and the facility was clean. The most striking part (living in the U.S), is that I walked out without being asked to pay a penny. The bill in the U.S would have likely been over USD $1000.
On another note, Dominica’s covid protocol is impressive and well organized.
And I had the nicest stay at Rose Street Gardens. Jennifer-Anne Fadelle was just darling to us (so much so, the kids have asked to go back.. 😁) as well as Michael Fadelle who was our executive ‘pool man’ 😃. We were very comfortable for 6 days and nights. The terrace view and breeze nestled in her guest house backyard garden, were relaxing and I’ve never been so spoiled with so much lovely fresh fruit! I also made three new friends while remaining 6-feet apart and masked on that terrace.
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