Gratitude is a Must

Gratitude is a must!


While Covid 19 has impacted every single person in this world, we must be thankful for small mercies.  In Dominica, we have a caring and functional Health System that has put many policies in place to keep our people and country safe.

However, we all have an individual responsibility to keep ourselves, our family, our friends and coworkers safe at all times.  We applaud the front line workers like Mrs Darway, who put themselves on the line every day to keep us safe.  

Mrs Darway, God bless her soul, was transferred to the St. James facility to help take care of those of us who contract Covid 19, where you contracted the dreaded COVID 19.  Being someone who loves herself and her family she ensured that she was fully vaccinated and so far has not had any adverse effects and is doing well.  We all wish her a speedy recovery.

You like many others in the tourism industry has been impacted but we have been informed that you have pivoted to fishing bringing in a huge catch of fish daily that sells at $12.00 per lb to the best hotels of Dominica.

We are all under pressure, thus the reason why your Parliamentary Representative, sent to your home a care package of fresh local produce as a sign of appreciation and to help, as our fresh local produce keeps us healthy, and the farmers benefit from these sales.

We are sure by now your wife would have shared the multiple $100.00 cash coupons that she received from the Health Department, another gesture to show appreciation.

We wish you and your family well.


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