Hooligans at the Avies Villes Comfort in Portsmouth

I am very certain that this post will not reach a lot of people, but I am 
writing to express my disgust toward the situation of the inmates /hooligans at the  Avies Villes Comfort in Portsmouth. 

As you guys know so many locations in the north are being filled day after day due to the rapid rise in cases and the Government and The Ministry of Health's efforts are duly recognized. 

However, it has occurred to me that at Avies Ville Comfort, most specifically, the inmates are quite disrespectful and unappreciative of the privileges that they have. The "rooms"  here are basically a studio apartment equipped with a bathroom, stove, kitchen tank of gas, cupboards table, sofa, large refrigerator microwave and all the necessary and overabundant amenities that other Dominicans are not so fortunate to have during their quarantine experience. Jik air conditioning and hot water is offered at Avies Comfort. I guess it really lives up to its name. Other persons are in the Ross Gym letting go LASWEH while they sleep at night --or should I say try to--  and seeing people not appreciate that in such a difficult time is quite off-putting. 

, these inmates visit the rooms of their friends/acquaintances,  playing dominoes and having a good time while sitting on the kitchen counter and 'spitting bars'. But to put the icing on the cake they either have their masks on their face with their noses exposed or just not on their faces at all.  What's more, I am not speaking on this from merely seeing videos, I am the inmate who witnesses these occurrences due to the fact that  I am their next-door neighbour. (Toujourn en didan>always inside). I believe that there should be fines implemented for persons heading to neighbours and behaving in such a way or even not wearing their masks on the property like this. The officer that is present on occasions cannot or should I say does not take the upper hand in efforts to curb the inevitable and continuous transmission of COVID-19 from inmate to inmate. 

Thirdly, some of these persons have no respect for the Frontline workers they are in contact with nor the officer whose main purpose there is to invigilate who comes and leaves the compound. If I had a $100.00 dollars forever F-word or Mother---- said, I would be able to pay for my studies at my university with my EYES CLOSED AND MY HEAD BOWED.  Additionally,  it can even be said that they do not have respect for the children of the other inmates present since they are swearing right in their presence. You have to really understand how saddening this is, not due to the fact that they are swearing blatantly, but due to the fact that one can be in a facility with all of these beautiful amenities yet unveil such a demeanour. UNGRATEFUL SET OF PEOPLE!!! These are the reasons why health care professionals will migrate to other countries because the pay is not commensurate to the turmoil experienced. Our nurses here LOVE what they do and this is the only reason why we have not GRAPPLED OR SANK. BUT my dear comrades, slowly but surely "Titanic", a home to those who were away from home, will soon be on the ocean floor.( If you do not observe the symbolism used comment with precaution)  

You are in an environment where you do not pay for anything! 

If they were to pay a percentage in order to help the state accommodate for meals etc I am certain the behaviour would be different. I am also certain that these persons will get themselves together or as you would tell small children, "obey",  if the fine for visiting an inmate was $1,000 to start off. 

Talk to me nice or not at all.




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