Q95 Supports Anti Vaccine Movement
We are facing a serious COVID-19 outbreak in Dominica and every Dominican should be concerned and should play their part to
help combat the troubling situation.
Somehow Q95 is using their airwaves to highlight anti-vaccine protests in St.Vincent and Antigua, helping to promote the irresponsible and irrational behavior of these protesters and the opposition forces who instigate them.
Statements made by Lennox Linton and other members of his party seem indicate that they wish for a copy cat situation in Dominica.
This ill-advised, self-defeating modus adopted by the UWP is the reason why they are regarded as a complete waste of time and why they continue to plummet further into political incongruity.
Kudos to the Dominican people for turning out in massive numbers to get tested and for rejecting the mischief of the UWP, whose only desire is to see Dominica's demise.
Like we have always done, we will overcome this challenge because the vast majority of Dominicans do love their country and want to see it's success. The evil desires of the few miscreants will not prevail.
Dominica is blessed!
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