The Opposition Leader, have a responsibility to be more vocal about Vaccines

Even you, as opposition leader, have a responsibility to be more vocal about vaccines in de country. 

Your team and the party need to be part and parcel of this conversation. You need to do a public announcement package on behalf of this vaccine issue in the country. This is not a Skerrit issue. This shit is real and everyone in authority needs to start rallying collectively and actively in the interest of demystifying the BS that too many patriots are circulating to citizens regarding this crisis. 

This thing is not gonna blow up in Skerrit's gonna blow up in Dominica's face. It's time for a more involved agenda from you & others, Garcon. Show more leadership on this issue than you currently do.

Bozo you are a wicked bastard! In the same way, you can convince your supporters to give hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay your legal bills, you can easily convince them to take the same vaccine that you took because you want to be protected. But your wicked, hateful self refuses to do that. Damn wicked jerk!

Bozo, you are a real ass! You keep trying to incite chaos and confusion in Dominica, even during these precarious COVID-19 times.  Your consistent reckless, frivolous claims of missing monies are the work of a disgusting, pathetic, lying rascal and deranged mischief-maker.   Your claims are so obviously false and ridiculous that anyone who believes them is a bigger ass than you.  That is why only a handful of gullible idiots believe the lies you continue to spew. A large number of UWP supporters privately express disgust and incredulity at your vindictive, nonsensical bum rap. 


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