Lennox Responds To Zead and Others

Leader of the Opposition Lennox Linton has responded to Zee and many others who are not satisfied with his ability to move the masses or win in the last 2 elections.

Lennox stated "I will not step down for them, I have no job to fall back on, I have no real current  skills to fall back on, none of my supporters gave me a job back then, and they surely will not hire me now.  I will not step aside".

Outspoken Dominican Zead Lloyd has published an open letter to Leader of Opposition, Mr. Lennox Linton, in which he calls for a breakdown of a self-created invisible wall that prevents the UWP Leader and his message from resonating with the ordinary man. 

Zead wrote,

"Brother I love you. I am also a deep family friend... on both sides.

It labors me to write this post today. But sometimes country has to supersede all. 

Here is my issue with you bredren. Every statement you put out you never leave any doubt that there is a partition between you & "The people".  Your adjectives, your descriptives are devoid of "WE".  Its always "Them", "Dominicans", "If They". 

Never is there a commonest sense of language in your delivery. When are you going to digest "WE" bredren? When? When? 

You keep preaching that your job is to report to the people. That in of itself is a very naive understanding of the leadership position that you hold. 


The Nation, unless you get it into your head that you and them are one and that you need to stop addressing them from this podium & teacher perspective, they'll never act in concordance with you. Never. 

The state of stagnancy of the people in the face of this massive political disrespect by governance is not just a reflection of them. It is also a reflection of You. Yes, You. 

Leadership has to have the capacity to move people. Leadership is not a news-reporter-mindset. Its a lot more than that. 

And if you do not have that inspirational-connection, then you need to look in the mirror bredren and tell yourself that you have tried your best, and indeed you have, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that someone else is gonna have to take this to the finish line. 

You're a bible brother, even more than I. On this sabbath, I would encourage you to read on  Paul...the book of Corinthians. 

I  will say no more on this. 
Peace OUT


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