The United Workers Party finally makes a public statement on taking Vaccines after 545 days
The United Workers Party finally makes a public statement on taking Vaccines after 545 days.
How does one judge a person of a party as one who cares? One is judged by their actions, the United Workers Party has demonstrated over and over, that they do not care about Dominicans.
It was brought to Lennox Linton live on Q95, he was asked 'how will historians tell the story about Covid 19 and the role of the opposition". This came about as a strong member of the UWP had passed due to Covid.
Lennox Linton was lost for words, and since then they have begun to take action. The first event was the online meeting where Karl Nassief stunned him by supporting Manadory Vaccines for workers, and so too did Dr Benjamin.
Yesterday we saw the party finally rolling out public statements.
Too late shall be your cry team UWP, you have been sized, weighed and judged by all as not being a caring party.
Shame on you, where have you been for the last 545 days?
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