Big thanks to all the young people of the Valley who turned up in large numbers

Greetings all. Last evening at the Trafalgar Resource Centre the youth of the Roseau Valley were given an in depth look into the Digital Transformation Project.

We turned out in large numbers because we're very much aware what this transformation means to our progress as a people. 

The four components of the project were explained; The potential for training and development of our constituents to help position them for the future Digital Economy of Dominica. 
We in the Roseau Valley look forward to the fully equipped Digital Innovation Hub which will be set up at the Resource Center in Trafalgar, serving all hamlets in the Valley. 
Providing not only training but paid internship attachments and grants for worthy entrepreneurs is all part of the project. 
Dominica is well positioned to becoming a leader in Digital Transformation in the region. 

We thank the coordinator Mr Robert Tonge, Dr Jermaine Jean Pierre and consultant Mr Amit for an excellent presentation. We thank the Government for investing in the people of the Roseau Valley.

We will make use of this investment and make Dominica proud.

Big thanks to all the young people who turned up in large numbers. 
God Bless!


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