Ma Judy Boyd

Every day you are on Facialbook trying to denigrate Dominica and hard-working Dominicans, pretending that you are a success story in L'Amerique. You are no success story. You have no ambition at all and have accomplished nothing to boast of after living in America for 25 years. 

The Dominicans living at home who you try to ridicule have done much better than you. 

You spent 15 years selling bread until the place went out of business through bankruptcy. Now you are some kind of unqualified, unskilled nurse's aid. A job that requires no type of certification except how to perform CPR. 

But you want to give my friend Sammy maypwee? You are not on Sammy's intellectual level at all. You are nothing but a LOSER. No wonder Ma Boyd's Kitchen is your favourite place to frequent.


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