The petition could never have been determined on the merits before the court made a decision that the petitions contain sufficient particulars and disclose the cause of action. They were struck out by the judge, all because they did not disclose sufficient particulars Or how should I put it the relevant details to disclose an election offence or breach of the law which affected the results of the election.
Now darling DODO after losing in 2005, 2009 and now in 2014 on the same ground that they don't seem to understand what they have to plead to get to a trial on merit, they kept getting shut off and keep getting shut down and keep getting embarrassed and dey finding every single piece of ignorance you're trying to justify there failure
Ma James who was their lawyer argued that the reason why it was a final order was that Justice Glassgo made a determination on the merits and the CCJ said no that's not what he did he never got to the evidence because he was not satisfied that petition discloses the cause of action relevant to the election law and therefore struck it out and because it was not done on the basis of the evidence that's why his decision was not a final decision which could be appealed.
Butt Ma Boyd you have to feel sorry for these fools and come to understand
- they lost again
- five in 2005
- 5 in 2009
- 18 in 2014
- and now another 10 more
- that is licks from Mighty Anthony Astaphan,
- blows like what Bangladesh got on Sunday
How much more blows must they get before they begin to realize that they are doing something wrong.
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