The Labor Delegates Conference

Every day, seven days a week, across several of their radio programs and social media platforms, they refer to Dominica's PM as a "criminal, thief, fraudster, murder, money launderer, cheat" and accuse him of being involved in every manner of nefarious activities befitting only a trans-boundary criminal of the highest order. One that is wanted by interpol. None of the moralist among us have ever raised a voice in condemning the same. 

Advising that this ought not to be the way to go to criticize your national leadership. Infact many of them they take their own cue for opposition the PM and his government from these salacious attacks on the good name and reputation of the PM.

Yesterday (November 10th) at Veille Case, the PM use an everyday expression that we (all of us - priest pastor of deacon), at one time or the other, whether in public and private, use to express our frustration at those who we determine must be fended off. For that, the talking point has shifted from International airport, Electoral reform and rainfall. 

What expression it is that the PM has used to so offend some. "Fraid they fraid in their a...e". 

I dare say it is not the expression that have them upset. It has more to do with the outstanding responses of "the people" of Dominica to the two activities last weekend. That's all. That's all. That's all.


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